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Unity and Freedom - Newspaper

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Odoslať pre Nathan5 Po august 03, 2009 12:16 am

Hi, All eSlovaks,

Our Newspaper is aimed at All eSlovaks, who honor democracy, freedom and cooperation. I do not want to create Newspaper that is politically biased and present one distorted view. We think open mindedness, discussion and cooperation is the right way to go. Whether you are from Far-left Communist Party or Far-Right Libertarian Party, it should not matter that much, because what we want is to stimulate discussion that would lead us to common goal, that is Better eSlovakia. Simply said, we want to unite all the parties and create fruitfull discussion about problems that we have and the way how we will approach them. So this is our fundamental mission.

Please, bear in mind, that we do not know all things, do not have all the answers and certainly do not bring you to heaven Wink Our realistic goal is simple. To be heard and bring valuable information and discussion. And please, do not kill each other in comments Wink

So we can START NOW!

There are three forums already running: 1. http, https://eslovensko.forumotion.net - common eSlovak forum (eng+svk)
- for all people and parties

2. http, http://eslovakia.forumotion.com/ - first communist forum
3. http, http://eslovakia.forumup.it/ - second communist forum

They are in order as they emerged. I think the first one is very open to all participants, and do not try to separate communists, libertarians, Real Life Slovaks and friends from other countries. We are One Nation and would be valuable to have one strong Forum. See for yourself each of them, and then make your decision.

NEXT: We will cover Presidential Elections, talk little bit about Slovak Economy, please stay tuned.

Director of Unity and Freedom
CEO Blackhole Capital

Naposledy upravil Nathan47 dňa Po august 03, 2009 9:04 am, celkom upravené 1 krát.

Počet príspevkov : 285
Join date : 01.08.2009

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Odoslať pre Andrejko Po august 03, 2009 12:46 am

Vďaka za umiestnenie novín na fórum.
Tak by to malo byť, pretože v takomto prípade je si možné články ľahšie vyhľadať a i komentovať.
Skúsime to tak štruktúrovať, aby noviny boli podfórom a jednotlivé články v nich témami, ku ktorým sa pripájajú komentáre - podobne ako tento.

Počet príspevkov : 1450
Join date : 20.07.2009


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Unity and Freedom - Newspaper Empty Prezidentske volby/ Presidential elections

Odoslať pre Nathan5 Ut august 04, 2009 9:29 am

Prezidentske volby klopú na dvere a mnoho z vás
zaujíma, kto vlastne kandiduje. Rozhodli sme sa preto osloviť všetkých
štyroch kandidátov aby nám načrtli ich plány v prípade zvolenia. Takže,
v abecednom poradí kandidujú :

1. Andrejko – Slovenská koalícia a Slovenska ludova strana
2. Mr. Skin (povodny kandidat Danie! Moreno) – Slovakian Communist Party
3. Megiski – Slovak National Party
4. Tomi23bp - Magyarok-Szlovakiaert

Zatiaľ sa nám podarilo získať program od všetkých okrem kandidáta
Megiski, dúfame teda, že sa nám čoskoro ozve. Taktiež na poslednú
chvílu komunistická strana zmenila svojho kandidáta a je ním Mr. Skin,
je možné že sa kandidátka ešte zmení. Preto uvedieme pôvodného
kandidáta Danie! Moreno, od ktorého máme informácie . Predpokladáme ale
že program má strana rovnaký.

Program uvedieme tak ako ho písali samotní kandidáti, aby nevzniklo k
zbytočnému informačnému šumu. Našu analýzu si budete môcť prečítať v

Kandidáti :

1. Andrejko

Funkcia prezidenta pre mňa znamená zodpovednosť za Slovensko. Neznamená
to žiadne presadzovanie osobného programu, nech by mohol byť podľa mňa
akokoľvek dobrý. Prezident má len jeden hlas.

Pokiaľ sa nenaučíme, že o smerovaní štátu rozhodujú poslanci a že ich
by sme sa mali pýtať ako úprimne to myslia so Slovenskom a aký majú
program, tak budeme klásť podobné otázky prezidentským kandidátom.

Mojim jediným cieľom je umožniť spoluprácu všetkých politických síl na
Slovensku pre Slovensko, aj keď by sa na prvý pohľad mohlo zdať, že
každý si pod prosperujúcim Slovenskom predstavuje niečo iné.

Takže moje kroky:

Zostavenie reprezentačnej vlády Slovenska,
Zväčšenie počtu aktívnych Slovákov.
A kroky, ktoré k tomuto povedú nebudem robiť sám a osamotene.
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

2. Mr.Skin ....cerstvo nahradil povodneho kandidata Danie!a Morena

Informacie su od Danie!a Morena.
Ekonomika : Vychádza z diela General Theory of State, ktoré kandidát
pripravil a nájdete v novinách Outer Space, ktoré sám kandidát vydáva.
V stručnosti ide o nastolenie komunistického režimu, kde sa o všetky
potreby občanov bude starať štát. Danie! Navrhuje investovať do Q4,Q5
spoločností, ktoré budú prostredníctvom vlády vlastniť občania
Každý občan, nováčik alebo veteran, bude mať prístup k zbraniam,
darčekom, strave, kedykoľvek to bude potrebné. Import bude výrazne
obmedzený, aby si eSlovensko vyrábalo všetko samo.
Bude vybudovaná autoritatívne riadenia armády s cvičnými vojnami.
Danie! popisuje presnú štruktúru armády, ktorú nájdete na Fórume
eSlovenska (https://eslovensko.forumotion.net) alebo SCP Forume. Každému
kandidátovi poskytujeme rovnaký priestor na vyjadrenie a preto nemôžme
zachádzať do detailov.

Na záver už len vlastné slová kandidáta:

Mám sen. A v tomto sne Komunistické Slovensko nájde skutočnú
demokraciu, priateľskí ľudia pripravení prijať skutočný komunizmus.
Verím, že nás budú stovky, potom tisíce Komunistov pripravených
rozvíjať krajinu a nájsť to najlepšie pre ľudí. Každý občan sveta bude
pozvaný do tohto komunistického sna.

---------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

3. Tomi23bp

Program kandidáta v stručnosti :

1. Je za vytvorenie MPP(mutual protection pact) s Argentínou alebo Litvou
2. Zvýšenie daní na 3%, 15%, 3% pretože štátna kasa nemá dostatok peňazí
3. Pre nováčikov a slabších hráčov zdarma strava zo štátného rozpočtu.
Zdarma darčeky od štátu pre ľudí ak nebývajú na Strednom Slovensku, kde
je postavená nemocnica.
4. Ďalšia Q5 Nemocnica do 5 týždňov.
5. Ak eSlovensko bude mať 500 obyvateľov a dostatok peňazí, uskutoční sa vojna s Českou republikou.

---------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

4. Megiski

Kandidát sa ešte neozval.

---------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- -------------------

To sú teda 4 kandidáti pre eSlovensko. Z našeho pohľadu ide o dvoch
politicky silných kandidátov Andrejka a Mr. Skina, ktorí sa s najvačšou
pravdepodobnosťou pobijú o prezidentské kreslo. Zvíťazí demokratické
kapitalistické eSlovensko? Alebo sa systém zmení úplne a ocitneme sa v
Komunistickom eSlovensku? Uvidíme vo voľbách.

V prvom prípade nevidíme žiadne veľké hrozby. Kandidát Andrejko sa
silne angažuje vo vytvorení fungujúceho Fóra pre všetkých eSlovákov.
Sympatický program na naštartovanie ekonomiky a činnosti vlády
schvalujeme (Viac je možné zistiť na Oficiálnom eSlovenskom Fóre ).

V druhom prípade je hrozba dosť veľká. Vzhladom k tomu, že by sa
takpovediac zrušila činnosť voľných trhov a nie je jasné kto a ako by
prerozdelovanie kontroloval, ide pre občana eSlovenska o riskantnú
záležitosť. Myšlienky sú krásne. Všetci vlastnia všetko a môžu si brať
koľko potrebujú. Ale naplnenie týchto slubov je nesmierne ťažké a má
veľký nádych totalitného režimu. Určite by ste si mali o tejto strane
zistiť viac informácii na fóre aby ste nakoniec neboli prekvapení.

K leaderom musíme ale poznamenať že ide o šikovných ľudí, ktorí venujú
veľa svojho času diskusiám a podpore svojich myšlienok. Všetci sa
snažia o lepšie eSlovensko. Bude demokratické s fungujúcim voľným
trhom? Alebo zvíťazí myšlienka Komunistického eSlovenska?

Je to na VAS! Pridte VOLIT!

---------------------------------------- ---------------

Presidential Election knocks at the door, and many of you want to know
who really stands. We decided therefore to address all four candidates
that we have outlined their plans in the event of election. So, in
alphabetical order of candidates:

1. Andrejko - Slovenska Koalicia
2. Mr. Skin (original candidate Danie! Moreno) - Slovakian Communist Party
3. Megiski - Slovak National Party
4. Tomi23bp - Magyarok-Szlovakiaert

While we managed to get all the candidates except Megiski, we hope that
we will soon hear from him . Also, last-minute Communist party changed
its candidate and it is Mr. Skin. It is possible that the candidate
will change. Therefore, the initial candidate list Danie! Moreno, from
which we have information. Assuming that the program is the same.

The program as written by the candidates in order to avoid unnecessary
distortion. You'll be able to read our analysis at the end.


1. Andrejko

Presidency for me means the responsibility for Slovakia. Not to enforce
any personal agenda, whatever good it may be. The President has only
one vote.

Unless we understand that the direction of State is decided by
congressmen and the questions should be answered by them, we would
address similar questions to presidential candidates.

My sole aim is to facilitate collaboration of all political forces in
eSlovakia FOR eSlovakia, even if everyone see under the prosperous
eSlovakia something else.

So my steps:

Setting up a representative government of Slovakia,
Increasing number of active Slovaks.
And the steps that will lead to this I would not do alone.
---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------ -------------------

2. Mr.Skin .... freshly replaced the original candidate Danie! Morena

Information is from Danie! Morena.
Economy: Based on the work General Theory of State, which Danie! has
written and could be found in the newspaper Outer Space. Briefly, the
steps are focused to establishment of a communist regime, where all
citizens will be supported by state. Danie! proposes to invest in Q4,
Q5 companies, which will be owned by citizens through government of
Every citizen, newcomer or veteran, will have access to weapons, gifts,
food, whenever necessary. Import will be severely limited to produce
everything itself.
Army and Wargames: we must organize a structure for our army, and this
structure must contain hierarchy and discipline. Danie! describes the
exact structure of the army, which you can find in the Forum of
eSlovakia (https://eslovensko.forumotion.net) or SCP Forum. Each
candidate is provided the same space for expression and therefore can
not go into detail.

In the end, candidate's own words:

I have a dream. And in this dream of world Communist Slovakia will find
a true democracy, a people friendly and ready to receive the real
communism. I believe we will be hundreds, then thousands of Communists
ready to develop the country and seek the best for the people. Every
citizen of the world will be invited to participate in the communist

---------------------------------------- --- ------- --------------------------------- ----------------- --

3. Tomi23bp

The candidate briefly:

1. It is the creation of MPP (mutual protection pact) with Argentina or Lithuania
2. Tax increase to 3%, 15%, 3%, because the state has not enough money.
3. For beginners and weak players free food from the state budget. Free
gifts from the state for people, if do not live in the central
eSlovakia, where the hospital is built.
4. Another Q5 Hospital within 5 weeks.
5. If eSlovensko will have 500 residents and enough money, a war with the Czech Republic will be.

---------------------------------------- --- ------- --------------------------------- ----------------- --

4. Megiski

Candidate has not yet answered.

---------------------------------------- --- ------- --------------------------------- ----------------- --

These are 4 candidates for eSlovakia. From our perspective there are
two politically powerful candidates, Andrejka and Mr. Skins, who are
most likely to battle for the presidential seat. Will democratic
capitalistic eSlovakia win? Or the system will change completely and
you will be in the Communist eSlovakia? We will see in the elections.

In the first case, we do not see any major threat. Candidate Andrejko
is heavily involved in establishing a functioning forum for all
eSlovaks. Engaging program to kick-start the economy and government
action approved (More can be detected on the official Forum for

In the latter case, the threat is quite large. Considering that free
markets would stop function as effective platform for distribution and
it is not clear who and how would allocate resources,it is for the
citizen of eSlovakia the risky affair. Ideas are nice. All own
everything and they can take what they need. But the fulfillment of
these promises is an extremely difficult and has a strong odor of
totalitarian regime. You should find out more information about this
party and their plan on the forum so you won't be surprised in the end.

We think that leaders are quite smart people who spend a lot of their
time and energy in discussion and supporting their ideas. All are
trying to build better eSlovakia, or at least they are telling us so.
It will be a functioning democracy with free markets? Or the idea of
Communistic eSlovakia wins?

It's up to you! Please VOTE for your candidate!

Počet príspevkov : 285
Join date : 01.08.2009

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Odoslať pre Anonymný Ut august 04, 2009 9:44 am

nice news :-)

why was Daniel Moreno pull down ?,

Prečo Daniela Morena stiahli ?


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Odoslať pre VSETKOvKLUDE Ut august 04, 2009 11:25 am

nooo, vyzera to zaujimavo, ja kazdopadne podporujem prvu moznost a dufam, ze v dalsich volbach sa nam podari vytlacit komunistov uplne...nejako mi nesedia...preco sa nam seru do krajiny? pre modre oci to asi nebude...

Mladý občan
Mladý občan

Počet príspevkov : 38
Join date : 22.07.2009

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Odoslať pre Andrejko Ut august 04, 2009 11:29 am

SCP je rozštiepená. Danie! Moreno zverejnil svoju predstavu o budúcej vláde vo svojich novinách (ja som ju ohodnotil ako zlý krok - teda nielen ja, ale aj jeho vlastní súdruhovia) a bolo to. Rýchlo zmenil predseda SCP kandidáta a stal sa ním sám.

Počet príspevkov : 1450
Join date : 20.07.2009


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Odoslať pre Nathan5 Ut august 04, 2009 9:15 pm

Je to velmi dobre ze sa takto stiepia medzi sebou...a my sa zas zjednocujeme Smile

Počet príspevkov : 285
Join date : 01.08.2009

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Odoslať pre Ross So august 08, 2009 3:52 am

Danie was stripped of his candidacy because he was a traitor.


Počet príspevkov : 6
Join date : 08.08.2009

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Odoslať pre Anonymný So august 08, 2009 9:24 am

there are lot of opinions about that and we do not know really what is true... but fact is that your dividing is good for us :-)


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Unity and Freedom - Newspaper Empty Oppression of democracy in eSlovakia

Odoslať pre Nathan5 Pi august 14, 2009 12:30 pm

Oppression of Democracy in eSlovakia

Unity and Freedom - Newspaper Comment-newspaper 4 comments today

Dear citizens of all nations of eRepublik,

we need help. eSlovakia as young nation became target of malevolent
players, who do not respect democratic elections. I, as a journalist,
do not want to attact people in Communist Party in eSlovakia for what
they are doing. My mission is to inform about situation. And you will

Communist party, which majority consists of foreign players, not Real
Life Slovaks, who try to take over eSlovakia, lost in democratic
presidential election. You can see the results. Andrejko, democratic
candidate - 56.78 % and second communist candidate Mr. Skin - 26.27 % .
And week after elections, we have PERMANENT BAN OF PRESIDENT ANDREJKO?
President of the whole country? I have seen lot of bad stuff, but this
is oppression of DEMOCRACY! When you can't win elections, you will make
President ending up in PERMANENT BAN?

All we want is to play eRepublik and engage with other players in
peaceful way. But this step from ADMINS can't be tolerated. President
of eSlovakia Andrejko should be allowed to continue his mandate and
work for at least 56.78 % citizens of eSlovakia who voted for HIM.

This is Call for Help from Real Life Slovaks, who once felt the
Oppression of Democracy,in Real World, in Communist Totality and this
is not pleasant situation. We want our President back! So please help
us, so we can continue live Peacefully in eSlovakia.

Citizens of eSlovakia

Počet príspevkov : 285
Join date : 01.08.2009

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Odoslať pre Anonymný Pi august 14, 2009 1:55 pm

I do not know till this day why our president have ban :-).

And really do not agree with admin banning...without explanations..... we all see that communist have systematic aggressive propaganda but admin should see this .... if admin would be fair.


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